📚 node [[zettelkasten method]]


Backlinks last generated 2022-01-28 07:55:20

⥅ node [[zettelkasten]] pulled by user



"box of notes"

He wrote only on one side of each card to eliminate the need to flip them over, and he limited himself to one idea per card so they could be referenced individually.

How To Take Smart Notes: 10 Principles to Revolutionize Your Note-Taking and …

-Zettelkasten — How One German Scholar Was So Freakishly Productive

It feels a bit like the philosophy of [[tiddlers]], to me.

The purpose of recording and organising information is so that it can be used again. The value of recorded information is directly proportional to the ease with which it can be re-used.

Philosophy of tiddlers - TiddlyWiki

Notes / steps

  1. Literature notes
  2. Reference notes
  3. Permanent notes
  4. Review and repeat

Digital Zettelkasten

I use [[org-roam]] for this.

Does it make sense to have a timestamp in the filename?

A [[personal knowledge management]] process.

The core of the process revolves around two collections of notes - [[Reference Notes]] which summarise source material and include a link to the source, and the collection of [[evergreen notes]] which are written in the interpretive part of the process.

The 20th-century German sociologist [[Niklas Luhmann]] managed to publish 70 books. He credits much of his success to his Zettelkasten, or "slip box."

Luhmann, N. (1992). Communicating with Slip Boxes. In A. Kieserling (Ed.), & M. Kuehn (Trans.), Universität als Milieu: Kleine Schriften (pp. 53–61). [http://luhmann.surge.sh/communicating-with-slip-boxes page]

see also [[Zettelkasten project]]

  • The notes are numbered hierarchically, so that new notes may be inserted at the appropriate place, and contain metadata to allow the note-taker to associate notes with each other. For example, notes may contain tags that describe key aspects of the note, and they may reference other notes. The numbering, metadata, format and structure of the notes is subject to variation depending on the specific method employed.
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⥅ related node [[the zettelkasten method]]
⥅ related node [[zettelkasten learning method]]